Sunday, April 26, 2009

We are still here...just very busy!!!

This is my turn to update our blog today. As you can see, we have missed a couple of days and I, Private Yssel, will save the future of our blog! (I had a haircut in a real barber shop in Kirksville....looks like I am joining the marines or something)

So what happened since we left Kansas City? I shall give you a short version of the past week since we last made an entry.
From Kansas City we moved to the north eastern part of the district. This is more "country" area with smaller towns (about the size of Middelburg/Polokwane). Towns we visited includes Moberly, Marceline (the home of Walt Disney), Macon and Kirksville..... I shouldn't forget Clifton Hill (not at all the Clifton we know back in SA). We saw and learned al lot. Museums, schools, name it....we saw it.

This is farming country and we saw some "big-ass" tractors and implements. I even got to ride in one...thanks Dan! It is the planting season for corn around here.....and everywhere we went farmers were working their fields. Amazing to see how farmers here do everything and run huge operations with only one or to helpers on the farm.....we can learn allot here.

Again, we met great people! In fear of missing someone, I do not want to name anybody... Everyone that were involved with our team, went out of their way to make us feel special and important. To say we appreciate what they did for us would be a major understatement!!! You know who you are and again: Thank you very much!

I have to mention one thing. I saw Bisons during my stay with hosts Dan & Jan Shepard. Dan breeds them and has around 200 on his farm. I saw these animals only on western movies as a kid and never thought I would ever see a live bison in my life. What an experience!

Myself and Bison!!!


  1. You should ask your hosts to take you snipe hunting. Or ask them about noodling.

  2. Yssel, that's great that you saw bison! I was just as excited to see The Big Five in your home country! Hope you and your teammates are having a wonderful time.
    --- Edie Gross
    GSE to District 9250, 2007
